Advent International:
Advent International ( is one of the largest, most global and most successful Private Equity organisations, consistently ranking in the top 10 largest PE funds globally. Advents NET IRR and Multiple of Invested Capital (MOIC) performance, as reported by CALPERS, can be viewed on
- ranking Advent as one of the consistently best performing larger buyout funds in history.
Advents latest main fund, in 2022, GPE X, was closed at the hard cap of $25bn, taking AUM to >$100bn.
Mr Barclay spent 13 years at Advent, joining Advent as a Private Equity investment professional in the 90’s when Advent had under $1bn in Assets under Management, and leaving when Advent had >$30bn AUM. Advent originally had primarily Venture Capital funds- Healthcare and Life Sciences and TMT, and growth investments but moved to focus more on buyouts in the 2000's.
At Advent Mr Barclay was involved as a lead dealmaker in over $2bn in completed transactions primarily in the UK & Europe, including some of Advents largest deals at that time, and then moved to lead the Global Fund Raising for Advent International, raising over $20bn from a wide range of investors globally, from UNHW and billionaire investors; Family Offices; Pension funds; Sovereign Wealth Funds; Insurance companies; Funds of Funds; State and Government Institutions; and others. Investors included CPP (Canadian Pension Plan); Calpers; State of Oregon; State of Washington; Universities Superannuation fund; GIC Special Investments; Alpinvest; Partners Group; and so on. Geographically investors came from all over the world, from USA, Canada, Latam, Europe, Australasia, Middle East and the Far East. Whilst at Advent Mr Barclay also led evaluation of a number of strategic options, from hedge funds to mezz and debt funds, and Asian and Australasian expansion.
Axon Capital Partners:
In 2011 Mr Barclay established a private investment group, Axon Capital Partners, with associated vehicles, with a flexible and opportunistic investment mandate, for investing globally in public and private securities; alternative investments (Hedge funds and Private Equity funds), and a wide range of unlisted private equity investments from small minority positions to control positions.